Use These Tips to Choose an SEO Agency

SEO Agency

It’s not always easy to find a good SEO agency to work with. There are so many firms out there – how do you know which ones are any good? You can’t just google “SEO agencies near me” and pick the first one that comes up – can you? They obviously understand how to get to the top of search returns, right?

Sure, but you need a company that’s more concerned about optimizing its customers’ websites than its own website. You need an agency that brings a strong team to the table and offers a good cultural fit. You need to know your SEO goals, understand what resources you already have available to you, and make your decision based on the data. Take the time to interview agencies you might want to work with and make sure you understand any agreement before you sign it.

Know Your Goals

What do you even hope to gain by working with a Phoenix SEO services agency? Clarify your goals for your SEO campaign. Do you want increased conversions? More organic search traffic? While it’s true that your goals might change a little after you’ve seen what’s possible with an SEO agency, you should come into the process with some knowledge of what you want to get out of it. Any good SEO agency is going to ask you what your hoped-for return on investment (ROI) is going to look like, anyway.

Prepare Your Own Resources

You might not need an SEO agency to do all the work on your SEO campaigns – you might have some internal resources that can take on some of it. For example, there might be someone on staff who can produce written content or videos for your website. You’re also going to need to make sure staff are available to work closely with the SEO agency – they’ll need to approve strategies and deliverables and provide supervision and feedback. Make sure you have the internal resources to manage your relationship with the SEO agency.

Ask Around

If you can’t depend on a Google search to help you find the best SEO agencies for you, what can you depend on? Word-of-mouth is still the best way to find a good SEO agency. Ask around your industry or among your professional contacts to find out who they’ve used.

Get Your Hands on the Data

Some agencies will take on anyone – they’re generalists. Others specialize in sometimes very niche fields. Look for an agency that’s a good fit for your organization. Do you need an agency with lots of specialized knowledge of your industry or products? Check credentials, including references. Learn about their current clients – do you think you’d fit in? Read thought leadership pieces published by the agency and read their case studies. Have they gotten results in the past similar to what you’re looking for? If they have a good track record of getting results and a team that meshes well with yours, they could be a good fit.

Interview Prospectives

You should talk to prospective agencies before you commit to work together. An interview gives you an opportunity to gauge how well personalities mesh across your two teams, as well as get your questions about the agency and their work answered. Plan your questions in advance. Ask about their approach and their focus. Talk about the manner in which your two firms would work together. If you’re going to rely on internal sources to prepare some of the deliverables, that’s even more reason to choose an agency you can collaborate closely with.

Understand Your Agreement

You should never sign a contract without reading it first! It might be a good idea to have a legal advisor familiar with the SEO industry look over your contract before you sign it, especially if you don’t understand anything. Make sure you’re getting the rights you want to any intellectual property that is created and that your mutual responsibilities are spelled out clearly. The last thing you want is to get into a situation where expectations aren’t spelled out or where you’re expecting deliverables that aren’t covered under the contract.

When it comes to choosing an SEO agency to work with, it pays to take your time. Ideally, you’ll be working closely with the agency you choose for a long time to come, so find one that’s a good fit for your company culture and team. That way, you’ll be able to have a long and lucrative working relationship.

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