Therabody Smart Goggles Review: Will It Live Up To The Hype?

Therabody Smart Goggles Review

As a writer, looking at the screen for hours has caused my migraines to become constant. Besides writing, of course, I want to indulge myself in the exquisite world of social media. Moreover, how can we forget online shopping? Hence, since then, I have been looking for any technology that could relieve my stress and make my headaches less painful. That is when I came across Therabody smart goggles. Since technology has already seamlessly blended with our daily lives, these goggles promise to revolutionize our health experiences.

For those who do not know, Therabody Smart Goggles are eye massage goggles that provide relaxation against targeted pain and relief. Further, these come with numerous therapeutic modes with customization that can be integrated with your smartphone. Moreover, they are portable so that you can use them on the go. Are you struggling with headaches or sleep? These come with special sleep focus and pain management modes. After using it for some time, it’s time for a detailed Therabody smart goggles review.

In this comprehensive smart eye massager review, I will be discussing the following:

  1. Features of Therabody Smart Goggles
  2. Pros and Cons
  3. How to set up the machine
Therabody Smart Goggles

Some of the key features of the SmartGoggles are the following:

  1. It comes with three modes: Focus, Sleep, and Smart Relax.
  2. These goggles are portable and travel-friendly.
  3. They have SmartSense Technology incorporated, which powers the SmartRelax mode. (This mode lowers your heart rate and helps calm you down.)
  4. The eye mask has various modalities like massage, heat, and vibration.
  5. Moreover, it comes with an extended battery life that makes it last 150 minutes.

You can access the companion app, TheraMind, through Bluetooth.

The Companion App, also known as Theramind, is offered by Therabody SmartGoggles. It is one of the sections in the Therabody app; you can access it through that. This provides additional features, like Theramind audio sessions. Moreover, these audios help with sleep, relaxation, and sleep. You can pair it up with a heated massage for a great experience. However, if you are easily distracted with your phone around, this may not be for you.

One of the best things about these smart-goggles is their battery life. Furthermore, these goggles for sleeping last up to 150 minutes. Since each session is 15 minutes long, you can get through 10 sessions. As a result, these goggles will have to be charged once a week.

If you are travel savvy, this Therabody eye mask is compact and lightweight. Hence, it is travel-friendly. Moreover, these Therabody-smart goggles are light on you since they are less than a pound. Furthermore, the dimensions of them are 6.5 inches x 4 inches x 3.5 inches. Last, you can easily fit this into a pouch that comes along with the charger.

The wow factor of these smart goggles that Therabody released is how comfortable they are on you. The front and interior panels are made of high-quality protein leather, while the straps are made of cotton. Last, when you put these goggles on, you will feel them to be extremely soft.

One may not expect a noise issue from something that is supposed to comfort you. Further, they can be so loud that neither you nor the person sleeping next to you can relax. Hence, when using them, you cannot relax; instead, you will be constantly distracted by noise. This downside of these goggles defeats the whole purpose of buying them.

Another downside that may ruin your experience is the fit of the SmartGoggles. They can be large for some people. Although it says “one fit for all”, these are not the right fit for all head shapes and sizes. Once you tighten or loosen it, it can get pretty uncomfortable.

Therabody Smart Goggles are not as expensive as the well-renowned Theragun Smart Goggles. In addition to that, they cost around $200, which may be considered expensive for the quality and features they offer. One must carefully consider the pros and cons before investing in this device.

It is pretty easy to set up the goggles. However, the following is a recommended way:

  • For better results, first remove your makeup, glasses, and contact lenses.
  • It is important to clean your skin and pat it dry.
  • It is time for you to put on the goggles.
  • Do not forget to align them with your temples so they rest on the bridge of your nose.
  • If they are loose or tight on you, adjust the strap accordingly.
  • It’s time for some relaxation!

Tech-savvy people looking to practice mindfulness might have a unique experience with Therabody Smart Goggles. However, for me, the noise takes away the very thing these smart goggles are for, relaxation. Do I think this is a steal for $200? No, I believe there are many better alternatives to this. For example, Theramind smart goggles. I trust that after going through this review, you have the information needed to make your own decision.

Therabody smart goggles may not instantly fix your migraines, but they will help you relax after a hectic day. I am not sure if it is because you are away from the screen or if it is the warmth of the goggles.

Smart Goggles use advanced technology like sensors to offer augmented reality and virtual reality experiences. Moreover, they work by tracking the user’s head movement and orientation. Hence allowing them to interact with digital content smoothly.

Goggle for massage therapy to increase relaxation. This is done through a combination of visuals, sounds, and vibration. Moreover, they are to promote a stress-free and soothing environment.

Smart goggles are wearable devices that incorporate advanced technologies and offer users enhanced sensory experiences. Moreover, smart goggles provide virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), depending on their application.

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