
Instagram Gets Video

Instagram is a social networking service that can safely be called “The Third Alternative to Facebook.” In April 2012, it recorded 100 million active users, which made it come face-to-face with Facebook. Its focus is mainly on photography and editing using several filters. It is available in the form of a mobile app, downloadable on…

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Apple’s Five Worst Products of All Time

APPLE “FAN-BOYS” PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT OUR FIVE PICKS AND NOD TO US! You would have seen many countdowns, but this countdown is unique. Why? It is distinctive because it will talk about Apple’s worst products in the market rather boasting about its best flops of all times. The products mentioned here were full…

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Walking ATM By “Apple”

If word is to be believed, then in the near future you could be seen as a walking talking ATM to your fellow Apple users. The latest reports from the Apple laboratories are speculating that the research team is working to develop a new application that will enable you to borrow cash whenever and wherever…

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