how to turn off rtt on iphone

How To Turn Off RTT On iPhone 11/12/13/14?

The iPhone launches the RTT (Real Time Text) or TTY (Telephone utilizing Teletype) mobility function for persons with verbal and auditory challenges. RTT enables an individual to view reactions as each person writes data in real-time in a document. Additionally, it may instantly send sounds as the individual inputs the words. Another advantage of this…

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how to invert colors on iphone

What Is An Inverted Color On An iPhone?

The polarities of the colors on the color spectrum are flipped in a color inversion in a picture. The red turns blue, the yellow turns violet, and the green turns fuchsia. In the same way, each pixel’s brightness is transformed to its corresponding significance. To depict the connections among colors, the color circle was created….

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how to send voice message on iphone to android

How To Send Voice Message On iPhone To Android – FAQ’s

When we consider the launch of messaging programs on mobile devices, customers began to appreciate the convenience of not having to handle incoming calls for every minor issue. However, as technology advanced, voice messaging systems gradually replaced these text-based communications. They have simplified typing considerably. Sending a voice message from an iPhone to an Android…

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