Epiphany onE Puck | Charge Your Smartphone With Coffee Or Cold Drink

The concept behind the Epiphany onE Puck is to make use of an engine for stirring powered by the heat of disparities like an ice or hot drink and a candle, ice, and so on. These heat sources provide sufficient power to the engine to completely charge your cell battery.

It’s not that new with Stirling engines as they were developed in the early 1800s; however, thanks to the advancement of technologies and materials technology, we can use them in ways that were not previously viable.

Epiphany onE Puck Working

Epiphany One Puck Uses Stirling Engine to Charge Your Gadgets
Image By Pinterest.com

The Epiphany onE Puck was recently showcased on Kickstarter and attracted a lot of attention. This device is very simple to use. The device comes with a stand or tray for holding the cup or vessel in which you place the liquid to be heated or cooled. You then simply have to connect the end of the cable to the USB port of your iPhone or iPod.

When you thought the charging station was too far away and where you should charge your phone, here comes Epiphany One Puck. This tech creation is one of the most desired technological products.

The Benefits of The Epiphany onE Puck

The Epiphany OnE Puck isn’t just a product to save your table from drinks sweat. It also powers up your phone. You don’t need to connect this product to an outlet. It has a small Stirling engine to supply energy. It has two sides: one blue and one red. You can place a hot drink on the red side or a cold one on the blue. Some of the characteristics of this product include:

  • Simple to use
  • No extra care
  • Long-lasting
  • Economical

The Epiphany onE Puck has developed to make life easy for the consumer. Almost everyone today owns the latest mobile phone. This makes it possible for virtually anyone to use this device. It does not matter whether you are in a car or outdoors where an electric kettle cannot be connected. You need to take out the device and connect it to your smartphone.

We plan to utilize the studies and experience gained from the process of developing the Epiphany onE Puck and then create even bigger Stirling engines that will power bigger appliances and eventually, whole households.

We’ll also utilize these engines to improve the water pumps we designed via Epiphany Solar Water Systems, which will boost the amount of water they can produce and supply electricity to those we assist. So, anyone not having access to electricity or water can have these benefits.

Function Of Epiphany onE Puck

The Epiphany onE Puck connects to the latest Android phone, iPhone and other similar devices. The setup of the onE Puck is simple, and it’s one side attached to onE Puck and the other side to your latest smartphone and then using cold or heat.


  1. All iPhones

2. All iPods

3. All Android phones

Any gadget that has a USB charger that draws 1000 milliamps or less

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Make Use Of

Epiphany One Puck Charges Your Phone
Image By Pinterest.com

The Epiphany onE Puck is small, light and easy to carry. It can be used in all settings, especially when the last battery bar completely vanishes.

If you’re having a coffee in the coffee shop, your Kyocera Hydro smartphone battery is dead. Instead of awkwardly relocating to an area to plug in your charger or leaving the coffee shop altogether and relocating, grab an Epiphany onE Puck to charge it with the hot drink you’re enjoying to charge your phone!

Your work schedule is never predictable and constantly at the ready. The only constant thing in your workday is the everyday cup of best hot tea or coffee which keeps you going. The continuous travel from city or country to country gives you no time to find outlets or adapters to charge your phone, which will shut down at some point.

This Epiphany onE Puck can be the solution to your dilemma. You are now able to multi-task at the top of your list! Drink your coffee cup to charge you and your mobile phone simultaneously.

The possibilities of the Epiphany onE Puck are limitless. It’s only a matter of time, and there are too many things to do and see. Who wants to spend time locating an outlet hidden in the corner, plugging in your cord, or recharging it?

Don’t let your smartphone battery determine where you’ll go next. Let’s keep the Epiphany onE Puck with you that will solve the problem.

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