How to Fix Network Congestion? ―4 Easy Ways to Do It

network congestion

“How to fix network congestion?”―is the most frequent question users ask while facing network interruption. As you can see, a stable network is today’s top priority for every business, office, educational institute, and individual.

Where the pandemic drastically disturbed the world on one end, there has seen a massive rise in the e-commerce sector on the other end. UK’s eCommerce market was raised by 31.3% in 2020, creating a crazy boom in businesses. Similarly, educational institutes initiated distance learning programs for students, and office employees were subjected to work from home.

And since then onwards, online presence has become very crucial for everyone.

Ultimately, it imposes a significant burden on network traffic that becomes the cause of congestion. When the traffic ratio is increased on a uniform path, it will result in network congestion. The consequences of network congestion seed to slow pace, poor user interface, and performance interruption.

If that’s what you are troubled with, you landed right!

Coming up next, we are going to reveal the insight parameters about network congestion and discuss how to fix them.

3 Factors to Network Congestion

There are 3 main factors to network congestion. The underperformance of any of these factors will reduce the speed, performance, and quality that clog the traffic. Here they are,

  1. Latency
  2. Bandwidth
  3. Throughput

1. Latency:

Latency is known as the performance ratio of a network. An optimal network quality has low latency and provides an efficient response rate. It analyzes data transmission on a uniform path and declares the latency rate. If your network latency is high, it means your network is congested.

2. Bandwidth:

You have probably heard about bandwidth. Bandwidth is the network’s potential to transmit data across the path. A high bandwidth network can transfer extensive data in a glimpse, while it takes significantly longer via low bandwidth. The transmission of a high amount of data on a low bandwidth network will result in network congestion.

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3. Throughput:

While bandwidth is known as the network’s potential to transmit the data, throughput declares the actual amount of data transmitted over time. It shows real numbers to identify a network quality.

Why Network Congestion Occurs?

Now that you’ve learned about the factors of network congestion, it is time to see why it occurs. Online web traffic ensures consistent data flow, yet the path gets clogged for specific reasons.

What are those reasons? Check them out.

· Multiple Users:

If you’re wondering how to fix network congestion, then you should first watch out for the number of users connected to your network. Multiple subscriptions on a network cause congestion. It distributes a large amount of data from plenty of devices on a uniform path that causes the collision.

Ultimately, when a system handles traffic more than it deserves, it’ll always cause congestion.

· Low Bandwidth:

As said above, bandwidth shows the potential of a network to transmit data. A network with low bandwidth will apparently cause trouble in the flow of data. And, it is another common cause of network congestion. If a user loads data more than the network’s strength, it clogs the transmission.

· Mis-Configuration:

There’s a possibility you may haven’t configured your network correctly, which is why it’s getting congested consistently. A network without an optimal configuration will constantly lag down and provide a poor user interface. Hence, misconfiguration leads to network congestion.

One of the most significant examples of misconfiguration is broadcast storms. Broadcast storm creates a great hassle by imposing large masses on web traffic. And to avoid this problem, IT administrators are advised to allocate subnets where performance is required efficiently.

4 Ways to Fix Network Congestion?

Be it tech-savvy or not, everyone hates whenever their network gets congested. If you’re among one of those, the points mentioned earlier are reasons to clog your web traffic. But how to fix them right???

Don’t worry, we got your back.

Check out the following ways to resolve your network congestion.

1. Analyze Your Network Performance:

Before fixing the problem, you should look for the root cause. See where the trouble begins by monitoring and analyzing your web traffic. And the best time to do so is during peak hours when several devices are connected to your network. Observe where your network lags and re-allocate for optimal performance.

2. Observe Security:

Here we have another possibility behind your network’s downfall. Maybe it’s not the clog but the breach of security. Before you initiate the operation, make sure to check whether the security extensions are breached or not. And if you have experienced a security trespass, then firewall logs can assist you.

3. Remove Unneeded Traffic:

A network pool allows nearby devices to share their data on its path. This increases the traffic on a uniform path that transmits between various devices. This, altogether, disturbs the smooth transmission of data which is also known as network congestion. The best way is to prioritize your network and remove all the unnecessary traffic.

4. Enhance Your Bandwidth:

If you have multiple device traffic floating on your network, then remove the clog by enhancing your bandwidth, like widening a road to flow heavy traffic. Similarly, an improved bandwidth will smoothen the process and enable heavy data travel hassle-free.

Here are some of the ways to improve your network’s bandwidth,

  • Broadband accelerators can be used to boost signal speeds.
  • Purchase routers with more bandwidth lanes.
  • To improve reception, use wireless repeaters
  • Use VPNs to improve traffic flow.
  • Update router settings to the most recent versions; reposition the router

Wrap Up:

Network congestion is one of the biggest troubles in this high time. It’s not only annoying but causes significant damage to e-commerce and digital marketers. Network congestion is a big reason for financial damage to brands and businesses. Poor network traffic will lead to unhappy clients and data loss.

This is an incredible mess that no one is ready to face. So your answer to the question, “how to fix network congestion,” is duly answered in the above section. Make sure to try these strategies and keep transmitting your data smoothly.

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