How Lansinoh Breast Pumps Help New Or Experienced Mothers

how to use lansinoh breast pump

When you are a nursing mother, there are lots of things you may be worried or stressed about. Motherhood is exciting, but it comes with its fair set of challenges too. Electric breast pumps can help new (and experienced) mothers in several ways.

Pumps can help moms express themselves (so others can ease the pressure and feed the baby). Or they can help them express breast milk so they can transition back into a working day with a little less stress and more ease.

Help You To Express

You may want to give your baby breast milk, but you may find that you don’t have the time to nurse a baby. This may be because you are working, or perhaps even looking after other little children as well. You may also be looking to express as your baby won’t latch on. There are lots of underlying reasons why you may choose to express (or need to) express breast milk. Having the ability to express and give your baby the nutrition contained in your breast milk is a major benefit offered by a Lansinoh electric breast pump.

Comfort And Convenience Of Lansinoh Breast Pump

Your partner may be helping you feed the baby at night. You may wish to use a breast pump to give you an extra bit of comfort and convenience. Lansinoh electric breast pumps have been designed by a mom, and it is a brand that understands how important me-time is (even when nursing). The comfort and convenience that comes when using a breast pump cannot be highlighted enough. If you can pump and then get some rest while others feed the baby, why wouldn’t you? After all, you need to fill your own cup before filling others.

Top Tip: Be open to all levels of support. When you have a newborn baby, it is important to take advantage of all the support you can. A breast pump can allow you to share the feeding duties with a partner or with family members. This is ideal as it allows you to get a little rest while they are taking over and feeding your baby.

Help To Build Confidence

Breastfeeding and giving your baby breast milk can be daunting to a mom of any age. If you are breastfeeding, you may be worried about how much milk your baby is actually getting. You may find that a breast pump will help you build your confidence as it will allow you to see just what you are producing on a regular basis.

Pumping To Increase Supply

There are times when your supply of breast milk may not be as good as it was. You may find that you need to increase your supply at times, especially if your baby is going through a growth spurt. Pumping to increase your supply can allow you to comfort your growing hungry baby.

Top Tip: A double breast pump can be especially useful at maintaining a healthy supply and flow of milk – even if the night feeds have reduced (or been cut out completely).

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