Google Deal Gives Publishers a Choice

Google Deal Gives Publishers a Choice

Google Deal Gives Publishers a Choice. Digitization is bringing an end to the world of books. Well, that is what the majority of book lovers feel across the world, and they believe that publishers should not be forced to publish their books electronically. Google and many book publishers around the world have been fighting for the last seven years over whether they should make the books available on the internet. However, both parties have now reached an agreement, granting publishers the freedom to decide whether Google should digitize their books and journals.

Google Library Project

According to the Google Library Project, Google had plans to digitize every book and make it available online for readers. However, authors and publishers were against this idea, and they have been fighting it with all their strength. To ensure that all books were not digitized and made available on the internet for readers. Google’s Library Project was a mammoth project for the company, but it did not achieve much because most of the books that were in demand were not available for digitalization. Although the settlement will not bring much change, it also focuses on the new definition of copyright in the world of the internet.

Expert’s Review

Many trade experts believe that Google has been in competition with Amazon to produce more eBooks. Therefore, the company decided to come up with a library project that would allow readers to read the same books that they can find in libraries. Publishers all over the world have decided to sue Google because Google decided to start printing books online without any license or permission. The lawsuit was almost on standby mode for many years. But the verdict has finally passed, and publishers. Google Deal Gives Publishers a Choice Digitization is bringing an end to the world of books. Well, that is what the majority of the authors have felt is better than having the option to decide if the book should be digitized or not.

Google Deal with Association of American Publishers

The new deal involving Google and the Association of American Publishers specifies that Google can only publish books on the internet with permission. Additionally, Google will provide a digital copy of the book to the publisher for selling on their sites. Google will allow readers to access 20% of the book for free, with the remainder available for purchase through the Google Play Store. While Google will share revenue with publishers, it has not yet revealed the financial terms of the agreement.

Advantages of the Deal

The new agreement is not only going to benefit Google, but it will also benefit the publisher. They can digitize some of the out-of-print books that will be available online, and readers can buy them online if they were unable to buy them when it was launched. Some experts believe that the settlement does not focus on whether Google is actually violating copyright laws by digitizing the books. Instead, it only focuses on certain terms that both sides can agree and disagree with.


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