Virtual reality has the potential to change the course of major industries around the world. It is not only supportive in medicine, but can also be applied to train military personnel, expand virtual prototypes of new cars, develop virtual architectural models and allow businesses in the field of HR, and conduct training and meetings. For video game lovers, it provides an environment where they feel they are actually in the game. Additionally, engineers are using it for configuring Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) cost-effectively.
If we go deep just into the medical field, virtual reality is enhancing the conventional therapy processes and discovering efficient solutions for curing social confusion, anxiety, and PTSD. The medical experts are also using VR to educate medical students in surgery, heal patients’ agonies and even support paraplegics recover body functions.
Talking about businesses, virtual reality is making things easier and more efficient. For instance, automakers are using it to build safer vehicles, architects are building sturdy constructions and travel companies are employing it for simplifying vacation ideas.
Seeing all these applications of VR, it’s no wonder why tech giants are working to create virtual reality products. Below are some amazing applications of VR.
Treat Patients of Paraplegics
In the medical sector, virtual reality technology has made huge strides in treating patients of paraplegics. A study reveals that doctors carried out experiments on patients by providing them with VR headsets and asking them to play soccer in a stadium. The patients unbelievably responded positively to this and gained some brain functions connected to moving their legs. All eight patients regained some control, while 4 of them improved from full to partial paraplegics.
Treat Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is one of the most widely spread diseases of today’s time, which asks for ‘exposure therapy’ to treat patients. The therapy demands patients to count again their sufferings, envisage them and describe them to the doctor. Virtual Reality here to come for the help of such patients, rendering them virtual worlds, where they actually see life-threatening events such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, serious accidents, or physical or sexual assault, and describe the happenings to the doctor.
Train Medical Students
It’s true that medical students do not often get many chances to perform surgeries. But not anymore! Now they have many options for practicing.
Virtual reality provides them with secure and managed situations to carry out surgeries and procedures, permitting them to make errors without harming anyone in reality. This helps them better get ready for unforeseen situations.
Treat Pain and Anxiety
Patients are usually given morphine for pain management during treatments. Virtual reality is helping to perform the same function by using ‘distraction therapy’ to manage pain while treatments. Similarly, the VR game ‘Deep’ is being used to aid people having ‘fear and anxiety disorder’ to become normal in just about 5 minutes through deep belly breathing exercises.
Help Businesses
The benefits of VR for business are huge; it facilitates shrinking costs, decreases business travel, performs interviews, provides tours, predicts trends, manages conferences using virtual conference rooms and so much more. All these processes could save big companies billions of dollars. For instance, international travel costs alone can be as high as $31.6 billion for some companies, according to Certify. Additionally, commuting costs can also be very pricey. Virtual reality helps conduct face-to-face meetings from the comfort of the workplace.
VR in Automotive
Virtual reality has also impacted the automotive industry positively allowing manufacturers to examine the safety standards of vehicles before the actual development starts.
It is also being employed by Ford, Volvo, Hyundai, etc, to provide customers VR test drives and help them see their preferred cars in any colors they like. They can also hear the actual sound of the vehicle.