10 Mistakes When Writing A Practical Thesis And Why Student Should Speak At A Scientific Conference

Writing Practical Thesis

Students often wonder why they should participate in student conferences. After all, to prepare a good practical thesis it is necessary to make an effort: to think of a topic, choose relevant sources, prepare interesting material, not forget about uniqueness and absence of plagiarism, and prepare a paper by the requirements of an information letter. Usually, it does not end there, because after checking you have to go to the bank and pay the participation fee, and then make a presentation (if the conference is full-time).

Accordingly, participation in a scientific conference requires time, money, and effort. But conferences should not be neglected and we do recommend that you take part in them. It can help you to prepare for writing a research paper.

Mistakes While Writing a Thesis

It usually takes about 7-11 months to complete your final year’s research and turn it into a research paper. During this time you may be able to find a conference in your field of study and produce a couple of pages of text that will elaborate the thesis statement on which your thesis is based. This will help to get it back from academics at other universities or even other professors at your university from the positions outlined in the paper. Perhaps it will be supportive of scientific views, and then on the defense can feel quite confident and less anxious about the reaction of the professor, or maybe it will be constructive criticism. This is also good because then it will be possible to fix everything, to think, and in the defense of the research paper come out with a truly perfect work.

The practical part of the research paper is almost always the most difficult. By the way, you can always ask for help and hire a professional paper writer, who can deal with all your assignments. The service provides writing and even editing of your academic papers. It’s a thrill. And by contacting the best writing services, you can find some discounts for new clients and, what’s more important, feedback from real customers. It’s really difficult to write your paper on your own. Also, you may be forced to rework it ad infinitum. To avoid this let’s analyze the most common mistakes.

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Mistake 1. Lie

Let’s not hide the fact that some people get up the courage to “enter” the practical process on their own, so to speak. You have written (or been helped to write) the notional data on an allegedly existing enterprise. In this case, don’t be surprised – teachers can easily verify the information if they want to. Moral – it is not good to lie.

Mistake 2. Inconsistency in the Main Body

In general, the word discrepancy – is a favorite argument when the diploma is sent for revision. And then we will meet this word more than once. As for the theoretical part of the diploma, here, as they say, it is important to link theory and practice. Do not let the parts of the diploma look like “not sewn a mare’s tail”.

Mistake 3. illiteracy

Oh, this is the scourge of students. Everyone thinks of editors and proofreading material when? That’s right when they poke their noses in and say “aye-aye-aye”. If there are two mistakes in one word and it’s already in the first paragraph – it’s foolish to expect that someone will read the essence. That’s why Rosenthal’s handbook is your guide. You haven’t heard of it? All right then. Check letters, signs, numbers…

Useful! The main mistake you can make is not using the best college essay writing service because you miss so many opportunities. So don’t hesitate to contact it.

Mistake 4. Inconsistency (There it is Again) with the Introduction

What is stated in the introduction should also be reflected in the practical part? Meaning what? Write the introduction already after the completion of other chapters of the diploma. Thus, you are ideally suited to each other and avoid another revision.

Mistake 5. Incorrect Calculations

And here begins the most interesting part. Two times two equals four, right? And you have six. And what kind of diploma are we talking about? You’ll hear something like that, put your head down and go and count it. So maybe it’s better to check everything upside down. And one more thing. If you get the final figure you want, it does not mean that the calculation is done correctly.

Mistake 6. Inconsistency in the Conclusion (yes, yes, again)

The introduction and conclusion should be consistent. Let’s hit the practice with clever words – concept, logic, consistency. All this should be traceable at the beginning, at the end, and within the diploma. Graduate qualification work – the story with a logical single storyline.

Mistake 7. Lack of Practical Relevance

We may open America, but a diploma is written not for your benefit, but for science and its development. This is if you think globally. This is how it is. So the task of the author – is to describe, and prove the content and conclusions, what is the value and importance of the work. For example, how the results of the study can be applied in theory and practice.

Useful! Even in the practical part of the thesis, you should always be able to trace the author’s opinion. Otherwise, you will be accused that the OCS is no different from a big essay and does not correspond to the level without two steps of a specialist.

Mistake 8. Incorrect Formatting

A common enough phrase before sending it for revision – have you ever seen the methodology in the eyes? Yes, you must show the department maximum respect and buy (take, ask, beg – need to emphasize) methodological guidelines before writing a diploma. And then you must strictly follow each point.

Mistake 9. Lack of Description of Methods

Often, on the first lines of the practical section, students already give specific data, calculations, formulas, and descriptions of methodologies. From word to deed, so to speak. But look objectively – readers will not understand the train of thought. Beforehand, you should explain why this particular methodology is chosen, what is its essence and significance, etc. Convince everyone that there was no other way to proceed.

Useful! The practical part of the diploma may include a large number of voluminous tables, drawings, and large and long calculations. Such material is recommended to be included in the handouts or included in the presentation.

Error 10. No Formulated Conclusions, Summaries, or Final Analysis

This is important, especially in the conclusions. Each point in the introduction should be summarised. These are short theses that describe what has been achieved, researched, of course, changed. There is another important aspect – the intermediate conclusions. They are written after each chapter and subsection. Their absence becomes a legacy.

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