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The Top Ten Strategic Technology Trends For 2014

Strategic Technology advancements may sound a bit too dramatic and may appear as a whole new step in the world of technology but in most cases strategic technology may also point to an existing technology that has evolved/matured and would have become quite beneficial for businesses. However strategic technology may also refer to developing new profitable opportunities for the early adopters in the market, providing them with the means of disrupting the market in the next 5 years or so to come.

Earlier Gartner Incorporation highlighted the top 10 Strategic Technology trends for 2014 that will provide the companies with a strategic advantage over most competitors in the market in the upcoming year. According to Gartner Incorporation, they defined Strategic Technology as one with the potential to bring about considerable changes in the enterprises for the next 3 years to come. These changes point out to the disruptions that will occur in the IT or the business itself.

According to their analysis, the Nexus of Forces that are social, mobile, cloud and information will continue to bring about changes and will create new opportunities. These opportunities will give rise to demand for programmable infrastructure that will hit the market as a big change. Among the top 10 strategic technology trends for 2014, these are the top 10 factors that will affect the market,

1. Mobile Device Diversity and Management

Till the year 2018, the variety of available devices, user contexts and computing styles and interaction methodology will make strategies like “everything everywhere” quite unachievable. Among the defined unexpected consequences, the one consequence being  “bring your own device” or normally known as BYOD programs will become doubling of the mobile workforce.

2. Mobile Apps and Applications

According to the survey conducted by Gartner Incorporation it specifies that throughout the year 2014, improved performance will start to push HTML5 as a mainstream enterprise application development. Gartner specified that they are recommends programmers to focus on creating expanded user interface models. These models will include better voice and video.

3. The Internet of Everything

Internet as we know is expanding beyond the reach of somplePCs and mobile devices. It is turning into enterprise assets. These assets are field equipment, televisions and cars for customers. The only known problem is that enterprises remain unaware and vendors still need  to fully understand the possibilities of an expanded internet.

4. Hybrid Cloud and IT as Service Broker

The task of bringing together personal clouds and external private cloud is an quite important and of the utmost importance. Enterprises need to design private cloud services. Having a Hybrid cloud service will a lot of possibilities quite demandable in various ways.

5. Era of Personal Cloud

The Era of having personal cloud will mark a great change in power. It will bring changes that will shift attention from devices to services. Having these changes implemented, the device specifications will become less considerable, however their presence will still be notable and quite important.

6. Software Defined Anything

The SDx or Software-defined anything, is a term that covers the entire growing market and better established and understood standards for infrastructure. SDx will also consist of various tasks and priorities such as OpenStack, the Open Compute Project, OpenFlow and Open Rack.

7. Smart Machines

Till 2020, the world will be brought to the era of smarter machines which will be contextually aware, will also consist of intelligent personal assistants along with smart advisers and advanced global industrial systems. Having the smart machines introduced in the market by 2020, it will prove as a great disruption in the field of IT.

8. 3-D Printing

From a recent survey it has been believed that shipments of 3D printers will grow an estimate of 75 percent in 2014. The shipments are claimed to increase in the year 2015. Fact prove that 3D printing brings about  a real, viable and cost-effective means to reduce costs .

9. Cloud/Client Architecture

Recent research and development on Cloud/client computing models have been bringing out quite remarkable results. Cloud/client architecture is a powerful application that is running on an Internet connected device whereas the server is composed of application services which are hosted.

10. Web-Scale IT

The web-scale IT is powerful global-class computing. It provides capabilities of large cloud service providers established in an enterprise by setting and rethinking positions. Notable cloud services providers such as Amazon, Facebook, Google are modifying their of providing ther services.

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